It is time to look at your weight struggles in a different way - GMOS Clinic It is time to look at your weight struggles in a different way - GMOS Clinic
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Time to stop accepting false weight biased statements.

It is time to stop that cycle of sadness, hopelessness, and despair.

It is time to stop blaming yourself for your weight.


Calories in calories out. (move more and eat less). This statement is the most harmful because, while it has some truth, it is used to fat shame and is 90% incorrect.   Only clones lose or gain weight all the same way.

It is your fault if you are overweight, it is your fault that you always regain the weight.    This is straight out of the fat shaming handbook.  It is false!

People are not blamed for getting a cancer, having asthma, or having high blood pressure. They should never be blamed for having the disease of Obesity. Complex diseases are caused by multiple factors and need to be treated by utilizing multiple strategies in line with individual needs and proven effectiveness.

You regain your lost weight because you are a failure.  FALSE

You regain weight because you are normal.   85%-95% of people regain their lost weight and more weight because the human body’s natural response protects and replenishes its fat storage.   We need stored fat to live and to keep our brain functioning normally.  In response to famine or illness (weight loss), our body’s natural response makes us hungrier, it also makes us have a hard time feeling full (satiated,) and we soon are hungry again. (This gets to be a more common and more intense problem the more we cycle our weight up and down.)  In addition, to protect our fat stores, our body decreases its metabolic needs (survives well on less daily calories) using biologic changes where our muscles becoming more efficient.



Obesity is the name of a physical disease caused by thousands of complex factors and interactions which lead to excessive storage and protection of unhealthy amounts of body fat.

Understanding that Obesity is a long-term disease, like any complex disease, helps patients focus on long term care and behavioral “nudges” that maximize their weight control. We treat Obesity using various tools to achieve our results including behavioral changes, nutrition changes and medications and surgical intervention.